Sunday, January 31, 2016

learning to fly

A devising theatre company practices different conventions. They devise innovative theatre performances. Set design is very different and unique. Building trust in the group is important to create theatrical illusions, it draws the audience in the play and it gives an "aha" moment this could be created using lighting, sound, any prop. (Push hands) is all about building trust which can also appear in a play or skit as a dream sequence. There are two or more people involved in push hands, one that controls and the other that trusts, after that the partners could switch. Music added to it could add a certain mood and tension. The senses are used to build trust between a group of people. By closing your eyes you allow yourself to trust your partner more. Jet pack lift is another way to build trust in an ensemble. You trust in your group or partners to carry you and to work together to create a theatrical illusion. Also, Walking on the wall is an exercise that could be used for a theatrical illusion. It involves 2 people holding their partner and the person walking on the wall. It gives an amazing effect and it does look realistic. Movements on the stage tell a story to the audience.Image result for walking on the wall

Saturday, January 9, 2016

final exam reflection

I really enjoyed acting out the Zanni from commedia del arte, even though it is very tiering it is very fun. We acted out a one minute scene and we felt our hearts beating so fast because of how exhausting it is. We were very nervous at the start, my voice was shaky and i got nervous but after that i felt more comfortable and I relied on my knowledge. It was a very fun experience and Im happy I could do it again in the "Remake" to make it better from the feedback we got in class and from the emails!