Thursday, February 18, 2016

what is devising theatre and what does it involve?

Devised theatre is a form of theatre where the script originates not from a writer or writers, but from collaborative, usually improvisatory, work by a group of people. 
1-begin by focusing on form, and then extract thematic ideas and work with them retrospectively.
2-use games as a starting point.
3-Be passionate about your source material
5-Get the material out there as soon as possible
6-Keep an open mind
7- Everyone works differently so get introduced to new ideas and new ways of working this out.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

skills needed for devising

The skills we needed were practical, social, and research skills in order to succeed in devising theatre. And if we do prepare ourselves appropriatly then we will develop and gain skills such as interactive skills, technical skills, and interpretive skills.

  • For interpretive skills we will need to:

1- Devise a dramatic performance with a well structured storyline and dramatic shape.
2- engage with the characters and the audience in order to create a sense of reality

  • For Technical skills, we need to:

1- Build skills in movement, voice projection, and the use of props and objects
2- Get familiar with the use of the screen, lights, and shadows

  • For interactive skills we will need to:

1- create relationships within characters
2-learn how to communicate with the group and take responsibility of the actions that each character in the group portray.

Shadow theatre

We had troubles with finding an original story line that can include 2 characters only. Since our group was made up of 2 people we were limited to what we could do during the performance. We had to expirament with the lights and the screen since it was the first time we implement the idea of shadow theatre in our acting. The process of creating a story line that involved two people using shadow theatre and when to break the 4th wall with the audience and how to have an "AHA" moment was not easy it needs time and devotion. We decided to create our main idea about abusive love where we used roses as a symbol and motif to our love even though it didn't feel right since it got repetitive. We need to make some changes to our storyline.
Image result for shadow theatre devising company

Devising theatre

It was a tough decision to choose which group to join for the devising theatre project but we got to the conclusion of joining groups depending on the interests which was fair. I was interested in creating a 15 minute play about the stereotype's in Saudi specially Riyadh and turn that idea into a comedy play. After we researched we realised that we need dialogue to implement that idea and devising is more effective with little or no dialogue which is why we chose to use shadow theatre. Me and Feras got inspired by the shadow theatre company "Attraction" which is a Hungarian shadow theatre group from Budapest, Hungary.  After watching the work they have done we really liked their ideas and thought we could get inspired from their work. So their music and ideas inspired us to create a mood filled with love but also a dull tone at the end of it.
Image result for shadow theatre devising company