Sunday, September 13, 2015

ted talk

Watching the ted talk made me realise many things about storytelling which helped me make a connection to devising. Acting with no dialog using lights, eye contact and creating the mood using different background music emphasises our movements x10 more, making it more obvious to the audience about how we feel, what were doing, and set the setting. It makes the audience want to know more, makes them curious. All stories have a moral and the art of story telling is what leaves the audience with the moral. story telling helps us, break the ice, be more collaborative and more confident. with devising, its basically stories combined together creating a built up devised work. We could add music, movement, and also, a dance to create a greater mood and emphasise the climax in the devise work. With devising,  I need to effect the audience, maybe relate the story to them so they could put themselves in my shoes and feel for the moral of the devised work.

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