Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Renaissance presentation

Theatrical conventions in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespear 

  • Romeo and Juliet's famous literary tradition 
  • love is the most dominant theme ( first sight love)
  • love overpowers all emotions 
-Juliet asks "Deny thy father and refuse thy name"
- Romeo abandons his friends Mercutio and Benvolio
-Romeo returning to Verona
  • Shakespear capturing love through hate
  • Love cannot be a metaphor
  • R&J always connected to passion Love&hate
  • juxtaposition life/death
  • Power structure in Renaissance families 
  • Lovers uphold their traditions for christianity 
Juliet" The God of my idolatry" 
  • poison as a symbol (societies tendency to poison good things and make them deadly) - their love

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Charlie and the chocolate factory

In and out of the class i have heard amazing things about the musical that took place in the ais-r theatre which made me regret not going to the performance even more. I really liked the setting in the theatre it was very creative and artistic. It was well organised, produced, and directed. I've heard the actors singing during choir class and i was impressed with their singing.

Alias presentation

i liked the way she introduced her topic by wearing a japanese mask and also by linking it back to where she comes from and how she is exposed to the art and theatre that is performed there The revitalization of german theatre art. I also liked how she was confident and her voice was clear and she was not speeding up. The video is clear and she was dressed professionally which enhanced her presentation presence. It was very organised and creative which gives me ideas for our presentation. I like how she used posters and quotes to further explain her points.Image result for presentation


A) Theatre in context. the history- (Mika) 1 minute 
B) Theatre process- Theatre conventions (Tala) 4 minutes 
C) Presenting theatre - Mika Tala and Feras - 4 minutes
D) Presenting theatre - conclusion and the effects used explanation of the conventions etc. Feras.
A Theatre in Context
Theorist, the theory and the context
B Theatre Processes - Practical explorations of theory and development of solo theatre piece
C Presenting Theatre: theory in practice - Theatre theory in practice
D Presenting Theatre: evaluation of the solo theatre piece and reflections

summative a dolls house

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen.

Realism and naturalism were used throughout the play. It shows the social issues that people were going through in the 19th century. Women did not usually have the choice of leaving their homes and families they were usually controlled by their parents or husbands, but in A Dolls House, Nora, the wife decides to leave her home after being treated like one of the kids. In the scene we performed, we created TEAM which is tension, emotion, atmosphere, and meaning to reach the "Uhh" moment. We used symbolism by using macaroons that symbolise Nora as a child as she throws them inside Mrs. Linde and Dr.Ranks mouths. I really enjoyed acting the scene and playing the part even though understanding the old language and putting into our own context was hard it was interesting.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

moodle day


strengths: he looks confident and is not fiddling around. He's not dependent on the slides. He touched on some really good points.
weakness: Talks fast should slow down and speak clearer.

1) CRITERIA – Director’s Notebook.  Evidence: notebook
A) Theatre in context: 7
B)Theatre processes:8
C) Presenting theatre- director’s vision and intended impact:6
D) Presenting theatre- staging of two moments of the play: 6

2) CRITERIA – Research Presentation. Evidence: video recording, list of sources and resources
A) Theatre in context: 7
B)Theatre processes:7
C) Presenting theatre- the presentation (video recording): 7
D) Presenting theatre-the learner. (video recording):7 

3)CRITERIA – Collaborative Project (internal assessment)  Evidence: process portfolio, video recording
A) Theatre in context:
B)Theatre processes:
C) Presenting theatre-  reflection on development of piece and specific explorations led by student:
D) Presenting theatre-evaluation of student’s contribution to 13-15mins performance and artistic choices: 8 13:28 minutes