Monday, November 2, 2015


From what I understood, In any act there should be 4 things I should focus on. TEAM stands for

  • Tension
  • Emotion
  • Atmosphere
  • Meaning (subtext)

Tension in the act should be created, weather it is positive or negative. It could be created through eye contact, through exaggerated physical movement, or through verbal language.

Emotion should also be present in an act and could be shown through facial expressions and physical movements. as well as the aspects that were said before like eye contact, exaggerated physical movement, or verbal language and the tone.

Atmosphere is basically having a setting. creating the mood that the audience should feel while watching the act. This could be done by using props and having a background or using sounds (like thunder or rain to create a gloomy atmosphere).

Meaning is basically looking for the goal set. It is what the audience should understand from the text. A subtext comes along with the meaning which is basically like the underlying meaning of something. The deeper meaning of story or a situation. What the characters want the audience to understand and think about. It is the message behind the act.

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