Tuesday, October 20, 2015


for our research, we chose to be working on the renaissance, more deeply, shakespear Rome&Juliet. We found many Theatrical techniques in Romeo and Juliet.for our research that we could discuss and analyse. Even though Romeo and Juliet is a cliche play to choose, it is still one of our favourites. In addition its perfect for the setting were looking for SETTINGS (TIME)  · Renaissance (fourteenth or fifteenth century) some of the literary techniques that we have found are the following: 
 TONES  · Passionate, romantic, intense, rhapsodic, violent, prone to extremes of emotion (ecstasy, rage, misery, etc.)
THEMES  · The forcefulness of love; love as a cause of violence; the individual versus society; the inevitability of fate
MOTIFS · Light/dark imagery; opposite points of view
SYMBOLS  · Poison; thumb-biting; Queen Mab
Its the forbidden love that inspired me to research about this, since we live here, in Saudi Arabia we could all relate to it since we cannot show that kind of love. Its forbidden by the law and is looked down upon by the elders.

Image result for romeo and julietImage result for romeo and juliet

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